
Friday 20 July 2012

Operation Warboard revisited

I know it is easy to miss new comments made on earlier posts here (which is the reason for the recent comments section on the right hand column of the blog page).

Just below that is the popular posts section, and you can see there that the Operation Warboard post is the fourth most popular of all time on Vintage Wargaming.

I thought therefore I would draw attention to the comment left today by John Curry of the History of Wargaming project, saying that he has tracked down the co-author of the book and is preparing it for republication in a few months.


  1. I've mentioned before the curious wargamers' fourth dimension mind thingy that seems to be in operation, but, last night, as my bedtime reading, I dug out my (Pan) copy of Operation Warboard - a real classic for IIWW gaming. I'll scan the cover of the Pan edition and forward it.

  2. Thanks. I have a feeling I may have a copy of the paperback somewhere too.

  3. Your current cover photograph belies the original photo illustrations: b/w of unpainted Airfix figures and scratch built terrain. But Hell, those photos still ooze charm.

  4. I thought very highly of the book when I had it (paperback copy). Had no problem with the b&w pics. Interesting ideas. Actually played a game with this rule set just a few years ago.

    Don't know why I onsold the book. Not one of my brighter decisions...

  5. Just found this ... thanks for recognizing that obsession of my early teenage years!
