
Wednesday 6 June 2012

Maverick project #32

My reach might exceed my grasp on this one but yesterday I started indexing all the articles, features and book reviews in the issues of Don Featherstone's Wargamer's Newsletter in my possession.

Every so often I do a trawl through to look for material to post here (entirely with DF's permission, I should add), so the idea is it may save me time in the long term, and it will be nice when it's finished (a bit like my haircut).

I am compiling the index in Excel. At the moment there are separate worksheets for articles, features and book reviews. Once completed I will break the features sheet up into separate sheets for each feature (Battle Report of the Month, Making Your Own Army, The American Scene,Counsels of War, What Makes a Wargamer Tick, Wargamer of the Month etc). I'm not trying to cover things like the Must List, Looking Around, You Write to Us, or From the Clubs.

Information recorded will include issue number, month, year, article, author first name, author last name, content (where appropriate) and period or theme covered.

Yesterday I indexed about 30 issues and reached number 100.

I have a more complete series hereon in. When/if I complete the index for the issues I have access to, I will post a list of the ones I am missing in case anyone can supply the relevant information from them.

I'm actually hoping to stick with this over the next few weeks to complete it fairly quickly. I have had a message from someone who knows I'm doing this, who did the same for the first two hundred issues of Wargames Illustrated, Miniature Wargames and Practical Wargamers but lost all the files when changing computer, so I will try not to follow his example too closely.


  1. I have a fairly large collection now so let me know what you're missing..

  2. Steve

    I've managed to keep going and am up to #149, so I hope to finish this weekend. I'll post a list of "missing" issues then.
