
Monday 8 March 2010

More from Airfix

A staple of early wargames magazines, including Wargamers Newsletter and Airfix magazine, were articles on coverting Airfix soldiers into other completely different types, usually with a sharp knife, some plasticene and a quart of banana oil.

Here from the Airfix Magazine Annual of 1973 is D V Oakley's take on the potential of the Airfix Confederate Infantry set.


  1. "Purists will probably object..[...]...but the game's the thing."

    Heartening sentiments.

  2. Banana Oil-where the blue blazes did you really ever get that from! Believe me I tried! What was its "proper" use. Is it some kind of early wargames Holy Grail?

    Love the post...nostalgia on a stick!


  3. Used to love these old articles. It may surprise people to know that I once did have loads of Airfix ACW figures with linen flags, whilst Bob O'Brien's Ancients series provided me with several armies in days gone by.

  4. If ONLY Airfix still made those ACW figures....
