
Thursday 8 October 2009

Bellona Landscape and Battlefield Diorama Pieces

Until I scanned in this catalogue I had forgotten just how many of the vacuun formed Bellona pieces I have owned at times. I think my first was the American Civil War log fort; I always aspired to Bunker Hill and the English Civil War star fort. Long out of production, they still sometimes crop up on e-bay and elsewhere. I also had forgotten that Armtec accessories were from the same stable. I believe that previously Bellona had been under the wing of Deltorama - I will look out some of their adverts from Wargamers Newsletter at a later date.

The price list seems to be from January 1983.

Some similar scenic items are available these days from


  1. Oh my god had totaly forgoten these , had several of these trench systems etc back in the early 70s ! , seem to think I thought them expensive at the time (but back then I was only taking home £5 !)

  2. Best thing since sliced bread for a poor wargamer!

    I bought a set of their "stone walls" and then proceeded to make yards and yards of wall by using the originals as a mould and filling them with plaster of paris! I still have the plaster and the plastic originals... and also the bridge and ruined bridge set... happy days...

  3. Did exactly the same as Steve-single span bridge and the walls. I seem to recall they did a Vietnam-type US bunker which I cut out with scissors...ooops, had to be binned!


  4. If I recall correctly, wargamer Terry Wise sculpted some of the models that Bellona used as masters. In particular, the Hillfort and the US Civil War Log fort.

  5. I have a similar catalogue but printed on cream paper - on the last page it states that the range is manufactured and distributed by CHART Hobby Distributors, Station Road, East Preston, Littlehampton, West Sussex, BN16 3AG United Kingdom. Not sure if this helps anyone trying to track the pieces down???

  6. I still use some of these in particular the stone wall set.

  7. armouredsmiler20 June 2018 at 09:10

    I just dug out the U-D15 Farm set I forgot I had in storage. Unused never got round to using it (either for WWII/WWI or Waterloo)
